Seth "Xcel" Bovell is a Barbadian Comedian, Actor and Musician. Seth and his friends began to experiment with comedy which lead to the very popular series “Porgie & Murda” in which Seth played the role of “Tiny”.
After much success and positive feedback from a fanbase, Seth decided to fully dedicate himself to his comedy and music. He began dabbling with comedy sketches released on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter in early 2015 and eventually became the most popular entertainment topic in Barbados. It caught international recognition when Akon & many other high-rated influencers started sharing his videos.
In 2016 Seth signed with Digicel and became a Digicel Ambassador, that same year he won an award at the Barbados Film Awards For “Scab Whisperer”. Seth's latest project was being the lead actor in the comedy feature film, Too Lickrish, which has had much success internationally. The film was nominated for Best Fiction film at the New York International Film Festival, and Best Comedy at the Nice International Film Festival in South of France.